Predicting threats

PreCrime is predictive security

Our full operational threat intelligence feed. Add predictive technology to your network security infrastructure. Ingest our data and automatically block threats ahead of time.

Partnered with the best

Financial sector

Stop phishing scams before they steal trust & billions. BforeAI predicts & shuts down fake domains & social media impersonators, protecting your customers & reputation.


Avoid operational disruptions. BforeAI safeguards critical assets & protects against downtime, ensuring smooth production & customer satisfaction.


Brandjacking & fake promotions  cost customers & sales. BforeAI predicts & eliminates online threats, safeguarding brand image & protecting consumer trust.

As named in

Hype Cycle for Security Operations 2023
Hype Cycle for IT Management Intelligence 2023

Map future domain threats,
built by AI & ML

Powered by 4 patented AI / ML algorithms and advanced graph databases, PreCrime™ identifies malicious domains before they cause harm. Our technology analyzes vast datasets, pinpointing suspicious behaviours and predicting domain misuse with unmatched accuracy

+ 6M IoC’s delivered

89 Days Avg prediction time

< 3% Overlapping IoC’s

Predicting threats with AI

Download our DNS Filter Benchmark Analysis for an insider’s view. Discover why BforeAI dominates with unmatched threat identification, speed, and accuracy.

Powered by

DNS filter - Predicting the Unseen

Greatest Coverage,
Lowest Error Rate

With more than 70K new malicious indicators per day we got you covered no matter where the attack come from. Only 0.05% false positive rate, stop wasting time in false alerts chasing.

+ 6M IoC’s delivered

89 Days Avg prediction time

< 3% Overlapping IoC’s

Richard Stiennon got curious... ​

Follow awarded Richard Stiennon, former Gartner Research VP and industry executive into discovering what is BforeAI PreCrime and how it is changing the way companies do Cyber Security.

What is PreCrime?

How PreCrime was Developed

The value of Predictive Cybersecurity

Implementing PreCrime

Measuring PreCrime ROI

Streamline your network security posture with our predictive intelligence threat feed

PreCrime Brand

Identify malicious use of your brand before any victim is made. Our countermeasures will inhibit and arrest malicious activity, saving your brand reputation and protecting its value.

PreEmpt Active Defense

Identify malicious use of your brand before any victim is made. Our countermeasures will inhibit and arrest malicious activity, saving your brand reputation and protecting its value.

Volksbank saved €800k in 12 days

Discover how a leading Italian bank successfully stopped +20 phishing and impersonation attacks with PreCrime Brand.

Ready to see BforeAI in action?
Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3!

Just sign up, talk to one of our experts, and deploy in minutes.
No coding skills or training required. Works right out of the box!